I was wrong, and so were all those critics. Sure it’s no X2 or Batman Begins, it’s more your cheesy lets for get acting and storyline and hope the special effects will wow them type movie. You know, the type of movie you hire when you want to just blob out and have a good, easy on the brains laugh. And a huge bowl of butter popcorn.
So, if you’re not expecting much, this movie might just surprise you.
Spiritual Connections
F4 is your classic Good vs Evil movie, with the arrogant Dr Doom representing the dark side, and the (mostly) humble F4 representing the light. It’s also got a bit of the prodigal son thrown in for good measure.
It’s also a good study in how power reveals our true character. Victor Von Doom was always and arrogant, self centred individual, but given his new powers he takes self centred and arrogant to whole new levels and becomes a homicidal maniac, bent on revenge. Reed Richards on the other hand is a dreamer who wants to save the world, and puts his life on the line to help he friends when he gets his new powers.
Indeed all of the F4 have to find out who they really are, in order to beat Dr Doom
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