Desmond starts freaking out ‘cause he’s gotta input the code every 108 minutes or it’s the end of the world…. Jack demands answers and Locke discovers an orientation film, that answers some questions but creates others.
Elsewhere on the island, Sawyer, Jin and Michael are thrown in a pit by the others. Shortly afterwards another person, a girl is thrown in with them. They talk about who they are, and how they got to the island, then Sawyer pulls out a gun and explains his escape plan.
The girl then over powers him, takes the gun and calls to the others that’s she’s finished, and get pulled out. On the surface this looks like bad news, but it may not be. It’s obvious that this group of people aren’t the same that took Micheal’s boy – else they wouldn’t bother trying to find out who they were.
So we now have ANOTHER group of people on the island, who may turn out to be helpful, friendly even!
Back to the hatch, and Kate has gone to find Sayid to help fix the computer, and Hugo comes along too.
Sayid fixes the computer but Locke refuses to input the code and insists that Jack take a leap of faith and do it him self.
Meanwhile Hugo finds the room of food...
Probably the best episode of the season so far, but next weeks doesn’t look quite as compelling.
Meanwhile, ever wondered what happened to Oceanic Airlines after they lost a plane... or if Dharma Industries does actually exist?
Or did you know what Dharma actually means, or that the Island that Jack, Kate and the rest are stranded on is quite easy to find… just type in the numbers as longitude and latitude (4.815 162.342) at Google Maps and you’ll see an island close by...
2 comments to "Lost #27 [Orientation]"
1:18 PM
I find it hard to believe that Jack didn't question how the hell Desmond fixed that girl's leg.
10:07 AM
Huh? Girl, leg? Did I miss something?
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