I became a fan of Lost after watching the entire first season on DVD in under a week. Lucky for me, season 2 has now started on New Zealand television.
Oh, this will contain spoilers.
Episode 1 (or 25 depending on how you look at it) is based mainly around the hatch that was blown open in last year’s finale. Jack and Locke have an argument over going down into the hatch. Jack not keen as it’s not going to immediately help the rest of the survivors, so they all go back to the caves, where Jack reassures everyone that everything is going to be alright.
Then Locke announces that he’s going on his own to explore the hatch.
Meanwhile Shannon has lost the dog, and is frantically searching for it (yes, at night) when she stumbles on Walter, dripping wet and scared. But in true Lost style, Shannon is distracted and when she looks back, the boy is gone. Strange things are afoot, of course!
Back at the hatch, Locke is ready to climb down the shaft when Kate turns up and agrees to go down first. She discovers that someone else is down there and promptly disappears. Lock goes down after her. A while later Jack turns up to see what’s going on, and when he can’t find anyone, ventures into the shaft also.
During some flashbacks we’re introduced to a new character that has ‘he’s about to turn up on the island’ written all over him, and sure enough, he’s the lone, ever so slightly paranoid, occupant of the hatch/shaft complex. At least it appears for now that he’s the only one down there, who really knows.
So no real answers this week, just a new plot direction and a whole lot of fun. Next week we should find out what happens to the people on the raft, but poor Kate is unlikely to surface again, at least for a week or two.
I sat through the whole of the first episode of this ‘perfect companion to Lost’ and at the end was left wondering why I’d just wasted an hour of my life.
To put it simply, Invasion is the perfect programme for bored insomniacs with no real life, or desire to have one.
1 comments to "TV | Lost vs Invasion"
8:15 PM
I'm glad I turned off the telly after Lost then, and read blogs for the rest of the evening. It actually looked interesting too.
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