Even when we got to the raft, things didn’t really move along – there were plenty of flash backs where we see how Michael lost custody of Walt. But two men fighting on a small raft doesn’t make for great television.
But somewhere in the hour we do get to the edge of our seats, weather its just all the ‘what the?’ questions in our head or the ending that sets up fro a great looking episode 27, I don’t know, but it was worth it in the end, and now I’ve got a whole week to wait.
1 comments to "Lost #26 [Adrift]"
2:03 PM
I thought those two guys having a tiff in the middle of the ocean was really funny. I also reckon that either we'll never get an explanation for the island, or else the explanation will be an anti-climax. So I'm not holding my breath for it.
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