As a romantic comedy, the laughs were a little too few, but the chemistry was there – and the plot got you hooked into wanting to find out if these two were ever gonna hook up.
These two being Oliver (Ashton Kutcher) and Emily (Amanda Peet), who meet while waiting from a plane. They seem to hit it off with obvious chemistry, but can’t seem to keep it going, so go there separate ways.
Over the years, they keep hooking up, and the chemistry is still there, but they have other things in there lives that keep them apart. It seems that these made-for-each-other lovers are destined to be apart.
Oliver already has his life planned out, and he has to become a success before he can settle down, and Emily is too much of a free spirit to settle down, so something is going to have to happen to get them together.
Spoiler Warning!
And something does happen, Oliver’s long hours and determination don’t pay off as his business hits the wall and he has to move back home.
Now he sees the error of his ways, and wants to try and hook up and make things work with Emily (oh the predictability of it).
If nothing else, A Lot Like Love does make for a romantic, easy on the brain evening with your significant other.
Spiritual Connections
It’s interesting how Oliver and Emily keep meeting and essentially being in love, but they continue to search fro something more elsewhere. That could be a parable about people ignoring Gods love in it’s self.
Another interesting point was how Oliver only really found happiness when he gave up his dream of being rich, and accepted life as it was.
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